Wednesday, February 25, 2009

books, emptiness and rainbows

He picked me up 10 minutes after the time he said he would. I made him wait ten more. We saw each other, measuring our sizes, our likes, our clothes. I realized that we had known each other in another life, when we were 9 years old, and he pulled my hair, and I had a crush on someone 10 years older than me.
He was handsome, in a darkish sort of way, he wore his suit, attempting to pretend that it was his normal attire, that he had been born to be elegant. I smiled. Elegance is carried within.
He didn't know where to take me, so I said, lets be adventurous and just drive around until we reach a restaurant we seem to like. It didn't work out. I took him to a place I knew.
we talked, he talked, he exposed all of his ego on the table. and I told him of the emptiness I sensed in him. He invited me to an adventure... he would take me to an amusement park, now? I asked with excitement. No, we would have to plan it. My disappointment seeped into the pasta I was eating.
All in all, I would have rather stayed at home.
I got home, and decided that I didn't want to date anymore (liar-liar, indeed, but hell, we can all lie to ourselves once in a while)... and I had my books and my poetry to protect me.
And I had just bought new batteries for my best friend, the one that made me see blue rainbows in bed. Sigh.

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